Sunday, November 1, 2020

#Powershell script | items created/updated by user in sitecore last n number of days


The below script helps you to get all items created/updated by you in last n number of days.


Open PowerShell ISE in sitecore and run this with admin privilege ( Your user must be administrator)


$path ="master:/sitecore/content/"

$items = Get-ChildItem -Path $path -Recurse |

            Where-Object { $_.__Updated -gt [datetime]::Now.AddDays(-100) -and $_."__Updated By" -eq "sitecore\abc" }


ForEach ($item in $items)


    Write-Host $item.ID $item.Paths.Path



PS: -100 will give you item updated in last 100 days

Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Sitecore 10 Installation on Docker

 Sitecore is providing support on Dockers container officially now with the new release sitecore 10. This enables organizations to switch over Dockers Container for the development and production.

Documentation is now available for the Sitecore Experience Platform 10.0 release:

Download Sitecore Experience Platform 10.0 and related assets from the Downloads Portal.

Sitecore 10 installation: Prerequisites

Software Requirements

1.      Windows 10 1809 or later

2.      Windows Server 1809 or later

3.      Docker Desktop for Windows

4.      Container deployment package from sitecore.    

Hardware Requirements

1.      Sitecore recommends 32 GB of RAM on Developers machine. This can be installed on 16 GB RAM machine but you will face performance/slowness issue

2.      CPU should be quad or higher.

3.      25-30 GB of free disk space.

 Docker Desktop Installation & Configuration:

1.      Install Docker Desktop on Windows from Link . Docker will be adding an Icon in the windows tray to give you more flexibility to start/stop and switch as per the OS.

2.      Click on the Docker icon in the Windows tray and select Switch to Windows Containers. This allows you to work on windows OS. Post this step you are good from Docker setting prospective.

SC 10 - Installation Preparation

Download Container deployment package from sitecore and extract to the folder. You will get 2 different folders but on the developer machine standalone installation we will be using Itsc2019 folder only and using XP0 topology

Prepare Installation file : Inside the folder ltsc2019\sitecore-xp0, you will get .env file. It is a vanilla environment configuration file and use in the container deployment. Docker composer loads this file and read environment settings during installation. You may update configuration variable manually or you may execute sitecore provided PowerShell script to fill environment variable for you.


Please set these two parameter manually in ps script

·       Sitecore admin password (SitecoreAdminPassword)

·       SQL Server sa password (SqlSaPassword)

 Now your machine is all set to install sitecore 10 in Docker. You need to execute below few commands to start sitecore 10 installation.

1)     Execute this command prior to executing PS script, 

Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope CurrentUser Unrestricted


2)     Execute PowerShell Script (change path to downloaded folder)

You need to set sitecore license files path while executing the init.ps1 file.

3)     PS execution will pop-up for installing certificate. Please click on “YES”

Now your env. file is ready to use. You can see all the missing information in the env. file.

4)     Execute below command on PowerShell (administrator) to download the Sitecore container image for Dockers and attaching those images in the local Docker.

 docker-compose.exe up –detach

it would take around 20-40 minutes to complete depending on your network speed.

This script will Download -> Pull-> extract -> Install   

Once completed the final screen would be look like this.

Docker dashboard will be look like this with all the process are running

Now you can browse your Sitecore CD and CM website now:

·      CM: https://xp0cm.localhost/sitecore/login

·      CD: https://xp0cm.localhost 

PS: Please stop IIS before installation.

Monday, September 28, 2020

DotNet | c# | This site can't be reached localhost refused to connect

Sometime we get errors on local machine like This site can't be reached localhost refused to connect 

This is because of self signed certificate configuration broken for local IIS Express or  you have never configured self signed certificates on this machine ever.

To fix self-signed certificate on the local machine you need to: 

--> Close Visual Studio 2017

--> Delete .vs folder from the root location  (Don't worry it will be recreated)

--> Run this below command in command prompt(as Administrator):
cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\IIS Express"
IisExpressAdminCmd.exe setupsslUrl -url:https://localhost:44342/ -UseSelfSigned

--> Run VS2017 as Administrator and execute by F5

Note: https://localhost:44342/ is what is in MVC project settings under build Tab.

Sunday, September 27, 2020

#Powershell | #Sitecore | Find a string phrase in the entire content tree.

 $startPath = "master:/sitecore/content/"

Write-Host "Search started $(Get-Date -format 'u')"


$list = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@()

$itemsToProcess = Get-ChildItem $startPath -Language * -Recurse



if($itemsToProcess -ne $null) {

    $itemsToProcess | ForEach-Object { 

        foreach($field in $_.Fields) {

            if($field.Type -eq "Single-Line Text" -or $field.Type -eq "Rich Text" -or $field.Type -eq "General Link") {

                if($field -match '//') {

                    $info = [PSCustomObject]@{













Write-Host "Search ended $(Get-Date -format 'u')"

Write-Host "Items found: $($list.Count)"

$list | Format-Table

Powershell | Sitecore | Update another field value from previous field value

$rootItem = Get-Item master:/content/Item1;  // Any item starting path

$ImagesourceTemplate = Get-Item "/sitecore/templates/Project/Presentation Templates/Article with Image"; // Template path

Get-ChildItem $rootItem.FullPath -Recurse | Where-Object { $_.TemplateName -eq $ImagesourceTemplate.Name } | ForEach-Object { 

        $titlefieldValue = $_.Fields["Title"].Value
        $_.Fields["ShortHeadline"].Value = $titlefieldValue;


// This script will be updating all child items short headline field value from Title field value.

Featured post

Sitecore 10 Installation on Docker