Tuesday, May 26, 2009



Read the questions given below and answer the same

SET I (60 marks)

1. Prepare a power point presentation on Management Functions (15 marks)
2. Write notes on the following Management roles a) Leader b) Representative.
(10 marks)
3. Prepare a chart and explain the Broadcast Organization. (15 marks)
4. Prepare a note on the history of Indian Press. ( 10 marks)
5. Evaluate the necessity of regulating broadcasting and new technologies (5 marks)
6. Write short notes on the following a) Wallenda Factor b) IRS. (5 marks)

SET II (60marks)

1. Prepare a power point presentation on Management Skills ( 15 marks)
2. Explain the role of management in electronic media. ( 10 marks)
3. Explain the management roles, skills and functions ( 10 marks)
4. What are the major elements of a TV production process? (5 marks)
5. Evaluate the necessity of regulating broadcasting and new technologies. ( 10 marks)
6. Write short notes on the following a) Newspaper Budget b) Television Budget (5 marks)
7. Write short notes on the following a) PCI b) PIB.(5 marks)


Read the questions given below and answer the same

SET I (60 marks)
1. Prepare a power point on definitions on Political science. (15 marks)
2. Explain the relation of political science with other social sciences (15 marks)
3. Explain the utility of the study of political Science? (5 marks)
4. Explain the Classical or Negative Liberalism (5 marks)
5. Explain the characteristics and importance of ideology. (10 marks)
6. Write short notes on the following a) Class War b) Swarajya (10 marks)

SET II (60marks)

1. Prepare a power point presentation on the method of study of political science (15 marks)
2. Prepare a note on Indian Democracy (10 marks)
3. Explain – Political science –is it a Science or Art (5 marks)
4. Write notes on the following a) Anarchism b) State (10 marks)
5. Prepare a note on the coalition form of Government (10 marks)
6. Prepare notes on a) Fascism b) Democratic Socialism (10 marks)


Read the questions given below and answer the same
SET I (60marks)
1. Prepare a power point presentation on Community Development. ( 15marks)
2. Prepare a developmental news report on any notable issue happened in your locality ( Minimum 600 words) (10 marks)
3. Write short notes on the following a) DRAP b) DDP. (10 marks)
4. Evaluate the environmentalist challenges to sustainable development. (5 marks)
5. Prepare a note on Media coverage on developmental issues (5 marks)
6. Write short notes on the following a) UNDP b) UNESCO. (10 marks)
7. Explain the mass media model of development. (5 marks)

SET II (60marks)

1) Prepare a power point presentation on Role of Media in Development. (15 marks)
2) Explain the concept of Mass Society? (10 marks)
3) Write notes on a) FAO b) ILO (5 marks)
4) Explain the elements of emphasis in Different Media (5 marks)
5) Prepare a note on Social Development and Mass media. (10 marks)
6) Write notes on a)WHO b) UNICEF (10 marks)
7) Explain Development Communication. (5 marks)


Read the questions given below and answer the same

SET I (60marks)
1) Prepare a power point presentation on Critical Process. (15 marks)
2) Prepare a note on criticism and communication process. (5marks)
3) Explain the concept “De-mystifying the Media”. (10 marks)
4) Write notes on a) Ethics b) Morality. (10 marks)
5) Critically review a film of your interest. (10 marks)
6) Explain Media Awareness (5marks)
7) Prepare a note on Media constructed Reality. (5marks)

SET II (60marks)

1) Prepare a power point presentation on Commodification of News. (15 marks)
2) Explain the concept of sexuality in media with examples (5 marks)
3) Write notes on a) Social Darwinism b) Media literacy (10 marks))
4) Explain the role of Media as Value Suppliers (10 marks)
5) Explain the concept “Information Overload”. (5marks)
6) Write notes on a) Media consumerism b) Corporate censorship. (5 marks)
7) Critically examine the content and presentation of a Magazine feature or News feature (print or electronic). (10 marks)




Read the questions given below and answer the same

SET I (30 marks)

1. Prepare a power point presentation on Globalization & Culture. (15marks)
2. What are the functions of mass media? Elaborate with examples.
(10 marks)
3. Prepare a note on Folk Media. ( 5 marks)

SET II (30marks)

1. Prepare a power point presentation on effects of advertising. (15marks)
2. Evaluate the portrayal of minorities or marginalized in television Industry (10 marks)
3. Prepare a note on Media influences (5 marks)


Read the questions given below and answer the same

SET I (60 marks)
1. Prepare a power point presentation on the Right to Freedom (Article 19) enshrined in the Indian Constitution. (15 marks)
2. Explain the distinction between Fundamental Rights and Directive Principles of State Policy.
(10 marks)
3. Define Contempt of Parliament? Explain how a report has to be made on parliamentary Proceedings (5 marks)
4. Prepare a note on Contempt of Court (5 marks)
5. Prepare a note on media ethical issues related to 26/11 incident. (5 marks)
6. What are the roles and responsibilities of the media? (10 marks)
7. Explain the rights and duties of a citizen. (10 marks)

SET II (60marks)

1. Prepare a power point presentation on the salient features of the Working Journalists Act
(15 marks)
2. Prepare a note on the ethical issues in AXE effect advertising campaign? (10 marks)
3. Evaluate the Right to Equality enshrined in Indian Constitution. (5 marks)
4 Explain the salient features of the copyright Act? (10 marks)
5. Explain the emergency provisions in our Constitution. (5 marks)
6. Prepare a note on parliamentary form of Government (5 marks)
7. Explain Characteristics of a Federal Constitution. (10 marks)


Read the questions given below and answer the same

SET I (60marks)

1. Prepare a power point presentation on slogans in advertising (15 marks)
2. Layout and Design an Environmental Awareness advertisement of A-4 size (color) with supporting headline, text, visual and slogan. (15 marks)
3. Explain the steps involved in developing effective communication? (5 marks)
4. Write short notes on the following a) product concept b) selling concept. (5 marks)
5. Explain the advertising appeals of a particular campaign of your choice (10 marks)
6. Prepare a note on advertising and consumerism (10 marks)

SET II (60marks)

1. Prepare a power point presentation on color codes in advertising (15 marks)
2. Explain the three phases of campaign creation. (5 marks)
3. What are the functions of an advertising agency? (5 marks)
4. Prepare a note on the creativity in advertising with a campaign of your interest (10 marks)
5. Write short notes on the following a) Promotion Mix b) Corporate advertising. (5 marks)
6. Evaluate the negative aspects of advertising. (10 marks)
7. Explain the psychology involved in advertising? (5 marks)
8. What are the characteristics of FM radio as a medium of advertising? (5 marks)


Read the questions given below and answer the same

SET I (60marks)

1. Prepare a power point presentation on mobile phone features (15 marks)
2. Prepare a note on podcasting? (5 marks)
3. Write notes on the following a) information worker b) blogger(10 marks)
4. Prepare a note on the definitions of the Information Society. (10 marks)
5. Explain the birth of public access television. (5 marks)
6. Write short notes on a) MUSE b) HD- MAC. (5 marks)
7. Define DTH. What are the steps involved in installing DTH. (5 marks)
8. Explain the significance of Technology Enabled Learning in Distance Education. (5 marks)

SET II (60marks)

1. Prepare a Power point Presentation on e-commerce (15 marks)
2. Write notes on the following a) Bluetooth b) Blackberry. (10 marks)
3. Explain the role of technologies in pre-digital and digital eras. (5 marks)
4. Prepare a note on societies in information age (10 marks)
5. Prepare a note on the futuristic technologies in communication (10 marks)
6. Write notes on a) youtube b) Satellite Radio. (5 marks)
7. Explain the types of Piracy. (5 marks)


Read the questions given below and answer the same

SET I (30marks)

1. Prepare a magazine feature of about 1000 words on any topic of your interest.
(15 marks)
2. Critically comment on the journalistic aspects of any three works of a notable columnist. (10 marks)
3. Prepare a note on the functions of magazine cover. (5 marks)

SET II (30marks)

1) Prepare power point presentation on magazine cover stories. (15 marks)
2) Design a cover page of general interest magazine with headlines. (5 marks)
3) Prepare the guidelines to write good magazine features (5 marks)
4) Write short notes on the following a) Magazine Surveys b) Ghosting. (5 marks)



Read the questions given below and answer the same

SET I (60 marks)

1. Prepare a script and produce a five minutes short film on any environmental issue of your interest
(10+20 marks)
2. Write notes on the following a) Studio broadcast Camera b) Portable broadcast Camera.
(10 marks)
3. What are the characteristics of radio as a medium? ( 5 marks)
4. Evaluate the characteristics and elements of sound ( 5 marks)
5. Explain the significance of lighting in television production ( 10 marks)

SET II (60marks)

1. Prepare a power point presentation on the parts of a television camera ( 15 marks)
2. Evaluate the characteristics and elements of sound. ( 5 marks)
3. Evaluate the layout of a television production control room. ( 10 marks)
4. Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of zoom lenses ( 5 marks)
5. What are the steps involved in splicing technique? ( 5 marks)
6. Explain the various types of microphones used in television production. ( 5 marks)
7. Explain the significance and types of visual editing. ( 10 marks)
8. Write short notes on the following a) Magnetic tape head b) Leader tape. ( 5 marks)


Read the questions given below and answer the same

SET I (60 marks)
1. Prepare a power point presentation on the still photography.
(15 marks)
2. Make an album of minimum five portraits you have photographed with captions.
(15 marks)
3. Write short notes on the following a) Documentary photography b) War photography
(5 marks)
4. Explain the mechanism of twin lens reflex camera. (5 marks)
5. Prepare a note on the popular photojournalists in media world. (5 marks)
6. What are the various steps involved in wildlife photography? (10 marks)
7. Write short notes on the following a) Internal flash b) External Flash (5 marks)

SET II (60marks)
1. Prepare a power point presentation on Lighting. (15 marks)
2. Prepare a photo feature of minimum five photographs on any news worthy event
(15 marks)
3. Evaluate the early history of photography. ( 10 marks)
4. Prepare a note on good feature subjects (5 marks)
5. Write short notes on the following a) Dry plate process b) Polaroid camera. (5 marks)
6. Write short notes on the following a) Side lighting b) Rim lighting. (5 marks)
7. What is underwater photography? What are the problems encountered during underwater photography. (5 marks)


Read the questions given below and answer the same

SET I (60marks)

1. Design and develop a Blog with minimum five blogs of about 100 words ( 30 marks)
2. Write short notes on a Dynamic HTML b) Java Applets. (5 marks)
3. Critically evaluate one web news portal of your choice. (10marks)
4. Write short notes on the following a) Film scanner b) 3-D scanner (5 marks)
5. What is computer-to-plate technology? Add a note on e-paper. (5 marks)
6. Define Bluetooth. What are the basics of Bluetooth technology? (5 marks)

SET II (60marks)

1. Prepare a power point presentation on Latest Communication Gadgets (15 marks)
2. What are the main application areas of multimedia? Add a note on sound cards(10 marks)
3. Explain the working of a cell phone. (5 marks)
4. Write short notes on the following a) Body Tag b) Container Tag c) End Tag. (10 marks)
5. Write short notes on the following a) Creating image links b) Address tag. (5 marks)
6. Elucidate the differences between Flash and Shockwave (5 marks)
7. Define sound. Explain the two major types of sound files. (5 marks)
8. Give a brief history of HTML. (5 marks)


Read the questions given below and answer the same

SET I (60marks)
1. Prepare a power point presentation on Crisis Management
(15 marks)
2. Make a report on the nature of various media associated with Press Relations ( 15 marks)
3. What are the steps involved in writing a press release? (5 marks)
4. Explain the significance of media relations, and what are the steps involved in managing media related events. (10 marks)
5. Prepare a note on PRSI. (5 marks)
6. Write short notes on the following a) Public Relations for the Police b) Aerial Ambassador. (5 marks)
7. Briefly explain the history of Public Relations in India? (5 marks)

SET II (60marks)

1. Design a two fold PR brochure with text, logo, photographs and logo with any of the designing software (20 marks)
2. Prepare a press release for an important event happened in your locality (10 marks)
3. Write short notes on the following a) Closed circuit television b) Idea boxes. (5 marks)
4. Write short notes on the following a) Motivation research b) Opinion and panel research. (5 marks)
5. What are the functions of a public relations firm? (5 marks)
6. Evaluate the PR scenario in India. (5 marks)
7. Write short notes on a) eCRM b) NRS (10 marks)



Read the questions given below and answer the same

SET I (60 marks)
1. Prepare a power point presentation on principles of web designing. ( 15 marks)
2. Prepare a note on the Technology Enabled learning.( 10 marks)
3. Explain a brief history of internet.( 5marks)
4. What are the notable features in Opera web browser? ( 5 marks)
5. Write notes on the following a) TCP/IP b) POP. ( 10 marks)
6. Prepare notes on a) Client Servers b) Routers ( 10 marks)
7. Write short notes on the following a) Netscape Navigator b) Intranet. ( 5 marks)

SET II (60marks)
1. Prepare a power point presentation on Search Engines. (15 marks)
2. Explain the structure of a domain name. What are the different kinds of domain names?(10 marks)
3. Explain the types of Media (5 marks)
4. Write notes on the following a) Orkut b) Blog. (10 marks)
5. Explain Electronic Mail. (5 marks)
6. What are the notable features in Opera web browser? (5 marks)
7. Explain a brief history of web browsers (5 marks)
8. Explain the purpose of buying a domain name. (5 marks)


Read the questions given below and answer the same

SET I (60 marks)
1. Prepare a power point presentation on the Communication Channels (15 marks)
2. Prepare a note on a) nature of people b) nature of organization. (10 marks)
3. Explain How to manage stress in an organization? (5 marks)
4. Explain the significance of process. Add a note on the goals of organizational behavior.
(5 marks)
5. Write short notes on the following a) Globalization b) Outsourcing (10 marks)
6. Explain Behavioral approaches in Leadership (5 marks)
7. Write short notes on the following a) Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs b) Herzberg’s two-factor model. (10 marks)

SET II (60marks)
1. Prepare a power point presentation on the traits of effective leaders (15 marks)
2. Define appraisal philosophy. Add a note on appraisal interview. (10 marks)
3. What are the financial and non-financial incentives available to the incentives available to the employees in an organization? (10 marks)
4. Write short notes on the following a) Directive style b) Participative style (10 marks)
5. Write short notes on the following a) Pension benefits b) Time-off benefits. (5marks)
6. Explain the importance and objectives of communication. (5marks)
7. What are the sources of conflict in an organization? (5marks)


Read the questions given below and answer the same

SET I (60marks)
1. Prepare a power point presentation on milestones in printing (15 marks)
2. Define primary colors. What are the characteristics of the blue and red colors? (10 marks)
3. Write short notes on the following a) Cathode ray tube composition b) Laser technology.
(5 marks)
4. Write notes on the following a) warm color b) color depth (10 marks)
5. Explain the usage of colors in product titling. (5 marks)
6. Write notes on the following a) Hot metal Composition b) Photo Chemical Composition
(10 marks)
7. Write short notes on the following a) Device resolution b) Printer resolution c) Continuous tones (5 marks)

SET II (60marks)
1. Prepare a power point presentation on advancements in printing. (15 marks)
2. Explain the concept of color in printing (10 marks)
3. Write short notes on the following a) Complementary colors b) Tertiary colors
(10 marks)
4. Explain the various image file formats used in computers. (10 marks)
5. Explain how color can be used in designing advertisements (5 marks)
6. Write short notes on the following a) TIFF b) JPEG (5 marks)
7. Explain the significance of colors in computers. (5 marks)


Read the questions given below and answer the same

SET I (30marks)
1. Prepare a power point presentation on the organizational structure of any Radio industry.
(15 marks)
2. Explain the concept of Departmentalization in newspaper industry? ( 5 marks)
3. Explain the types of Newspaper Advertising. ( 5 marks)
4. Write short notes on the following a) Registration of Newspapers b) PCI ( 5 marks)

SET II (30marks)

1. Prepare a power point presentation on communication in an organization (15 marks)
2. Explain the ownership of radio and television studios. (5 marks)
3. Write short notes on the following a) Film Censorship b) Electronic newspaper (5 marks)
4. Explain the concept “Managing organizations through computers”. (5 marks)


Read the questions given below and answer the same

SET I (30 marks)

1. Prepare a power point presentation on history of Television
(15 marks)
2. Evaluate the development of Television as a medium of mass communication in India.
(5 marks)
3. Briefly explain the landmarks in the growth of Newspapers in India (5 marks)
4. Evaluate the growth of cinema in India. (5 marks)

SET II (30 marks)
1. Prepare a power point presentation on the latest trends in Mass Communication. (15 marks)
2. Write short notes on the following a) CAS b) New Media. (5 marks)
3. Give a brief account of the Pre historic Communication. (5 marks)
4. Prepare a note on “Information Revolution” (5 marks)




Read the questions given below and answer the same

Answer all the questions


1. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow(10 marks)

Joseph Pulitzer (April 10, 1847 – October 29, 1911) was a Hungarian-American publisher best known for posthumously establishing the Pulitzer Prizes and (along with William Randolph Hearst) for originating yellow journalism.

Pulitzer was born in Makó, Hungary, Pulitzer sought a military career, but was turned down by the Austrian army for frail health and poor eyesight. He emigrated to the United States in 1864 to serve in the American Civil War. After the war he settled in St. Louis, Missouri, where in 1868 he began working for a German-language daily newspaper, the Westliche Post. He joined the Republican Party and was elected to the Missouri State Assembly in 1869. In 1872, Pulitzer purchased the Post for $3,000. Then, in 1879, he bought the St. Louis Dispatch for $2,700 and merged the two papers, which became the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, which remains St. Louis' daily newspaper. It was at the Post-Dispatch that Pulitzer developed his role as a champion of the common man with exposès and a hard-hitting populist approach.

In 1882 Pulitzer, by then a wealthy man, purchased the New York World, a newspaper that had been losing $40,000 a year, for $346,000 from Jay Gould. Pulitzer shifted its focus to human-interest stories, scandal, and sensationalism. In 1885, he was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives, but resigned after a few months' service. In 1887, he recruited the famous investigative journalist Nellie Bly. In 1895 the World introduced the immensely popular The Yellow Kid comic by Richard F. Outcault, the first newspaper comic printed with color. Under Pulitzer's leadership circulation grew from 15,000 to 600,000, making it the largest newspaper in the country.

In 1890 Pulitzer's already failing health deteriorated rapidly and he withdrew from the daily management of the newspaper, although he continued to actively manage the paper from his vacation retreat in Bar Harbor, Maine, and his New York mansion.

In 1895, William Randolph Hearst purchased the rival New York Journal, which led to a circulation war. This competition with Hearst, particularly the coverage before and during the Spanish-American War, linked Pulitzer's name with yellow journalism.

After the World exposed a fraudulent payment of $40 million by the United States to the French Panama Canal Company in 1909, Pulitzer was indicted for libeling Theodore Roosevelt and J. P. Morgan. The courts dismissed the indictments in a victory for freedom of the press.

In 1892, Pulitzer offered Columbia University's president, Seth Low, money to set up the world's first school of journalism. The university initially turned down the money, evidently unimpressed by Pulitzer's unscrupulous character. In 1902, Columbia's new president Nicholas Murray Butler was more receptive to the plan for a school and prizes, but it would not be until after Pulitzer's death that this dream would be fulfilled. Pulitzer left the university $2 million in his will, which led to the creation in 1912 of the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism, but by then the first school of journalism had been created at the University of Missouri. Columbia's Graduate School of Journalism remains one of the most prestigious in the world.

Joseph Pulitzer died aboard his yacht in the harbor of Charleston, South Carolina in 1911. He is interred in the Woodlawn Cemetery in The Bronx, New York. In 1917, the first Pulitzer Prizes were awarded, in accordance with Pulitzer's wishes.

In 1989 Pulitzer was inducted into the St. Louis Walk of Fame.

1. When were the Pulitzer prizes established?

2. Which country did not accept Pulitzer into its army?

3. In which language did he publish his first newspaper in the USA?

4. What profession did Pulitzer not practise?

5. Which position did he resign from?

6. What type of feature did Pulitzer introduce?

7. What caused him to withdraw from the daily management of the New York World?

8. What type of journalism is he credited with originating?

9. Why did the University of Columbia turn down Pulitzer’s offer to establish the world’s first school of journalism?

10. When were the first Pulitzer prizes awarded?

2. Write an application for the post of editor- trainee in a publishing house. Create necessary data. (10)

3. What do you mean by gambit? Give any five gambits and use them in sentences. (5)

4. Differentiate between hearing and listening with situational examples. (5)


1. Attend a Food Fest or any such event and write a report on the event in your own words (5)

2. Write a short note on the proper method of writing bibliography. Use your own examples. (5)

3. The Student Club in your centre has decided to organise a work shop on Technical Editing. As a secretary of the club, write a notice about the workshop being conducted for two days, 22nd and 23rd April 2009. (5)

4. Write a paragraph on promoting your home town as a tourist spot. (5)

5. Select a topic related to journalism and make a power point presentation on the same. The minimum number of slides should be 8 and maximum should not exceed 15. (10)



Read the questions given below and answer the same

SET I (30 marks)

  1. Prepare a power point presentation on the Types of Computers. ( 15marks)
  2. What is hardware? Give some examples. ( 5 marks)
  3. Explain the steps involved in customizing the toolbars? ( Windows Explorer) ( 5 marks)
  4. What are Scanners? Explain the Scanner Categories. ( 5 marks)

SET II (30marks)

  1. Write short notes on the following a) BMP b) Light Pen c) Primary Memory e) LAN

(5 marks)

  1. Briefly explain the functions of ALU? ( 5 marks)
  2. Explain the features of Windows XP. ( 5 marks)
  3. Prepare a Power Point Presentation on the usability of MS Word. ( 15marks)



Read the questions given below and answer the same


1. Explain the meaning of poetry according to William Wordsworth as he has elucidated in his Lyrical Ballads (5)

2. Ask your friend to read any literary article loudly. Listen to it carefully and then reproduce it in your words. (5)

3. Write a note on the British and American English used in responses? (5)

4. Write a critical appreciation of the poem, ‘On Second Coming’ by W.B. Yeats. (10)

5. Are the journalists of today taking the freedom of press too seriously and denying vip’s their privacy? Write your view in not more than 200 words (10)

6. Prepare a power point presentation on literary periods in English with political background. (10)

7. Read any one tragedy of William Shakespeare and explain the unity of time, place and action – the essence of tragedy, as suggested by Aristotle. (15)


1. Read Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice and write an appreciation of the character of Elizabeth Bennet. (10)

2. Consider any eminent personality in the field of politics and write an article of not more than 150 words, on the personality. (10)

3. Write the difference between transcription between translation and transliteration with examples. (5)

4. Write a note on ‘plot’ as seen in a drama. (5)

5. Read a short story written by R. K. Laxman and write a note on the theme of the story. (10)

6. Read the poem given below, written by Sarojini Naidu. Write a critical appreciation of the poem. (10)

Cradle Song

From groves of spice,

O’er fields of rice,

A thwart the lotus-stream,

I bring for you,

A glint with dew

A little lovely dream.

Sweet, shut your eyes,

The wild fire-flies

Dance through the fairy neem;

From the poppy-bole

For you I stole

A little lovely dream.

Dear eyes, good-night,

In golden light

The stars around you gleam;

On you I press

With soft caress

A little lovely dream

7. Explain the generic evolution in the English literature. (10)



Read the questions given below and answer the same

SET I (60marks)

  1. Present a power point presentation on beginning of mass communication (15 marks)
  2. Explain the impact of mass communication on society. (10 Marks)
  3. Define communication theory. Add a note on cultural diversity (5marks)
  4. Describe the concept of communication theory. (5marks)
  5. Write short notes on the following a) Theodore Newcomb’s Model b) Bruce H. Westley and S MacLean’s Model (10marks)
  6. Write short notes on the following a) Kinesics b) Proxemics (10marks)
  7. What are the various forms of communication with examples (5 marks)

SET II (60marks)

  1. Present a power point presentation on non verbal communication (15 marks)
  2. Explain the organizational characteristics of MNCs (5marks)
  3. Explain Wilbur Schramm’s model of communication. (5marks)
  4. What are the causes for cultural differences? (10 marks)
  5. Explain the significance of Mass media (10 marks)
  6. Globalization can bring in homogeneity among different culture -discuss (10 marks)
  7. Write short notes on the following a) Appropriateness b) Parsimony ( 5 marks)



Read the questions given below and answer the same

SET I (60marks)

1. Prepare a project by collecting news clipping from various national dailies corresponding to significant news value. (15 marks)

2. Explain the qualities and functions of a Reporter (10 marks)

3. Write short notes on the following a) Op-Ed pages b) News Packaging (5 marks)

4. Explain the brief history of Press in India? (10 marks)

5. Write short notes on the following a) Beat Reporting b) Obituary Reporting (5 marks)

6. Write notes on the following a) Oddity b) Proximity (10 marks)

7. Write short notes on the following a) Box Story b) Banner Headlines (5 marks)

SET II (60marks)

  1. Present a power point presentation on the different types of soft leads with examples.

(15 marks)

  1. Prepare a note on the kinds of reporting (10 marks)
  2. What is the purpose of a Feature ?Explain how to write a feature (5 marks)
  3. Write notes on the following a) Horizontal Layout b) Modular Design (10 marks)
  4. Explain the significance of editing? (5 marks)
  5. Proof read a news material with copy editing symbols? (10 marks)
  6. Prepare a note on the creativity involved in Print advertisement slogans. (5 marks)

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